Video Cassette Duplicating Corp.

From Home Video

List of Customers

  • Video Treasures (1985-1992)
    • Burbank Video (1991-1992)
    • MNTex Entertainment (1992)
  • Parents Approved Video (1988-1990) (tapes distributed by Video Treasures)

How to Tell

  • Pre-1987 tapes have a record tab intact, while post-1988 tapes omitted it.
    • Pre-1986 tapes may have a silent color bars test pattern.
    • 1986-1987 tapes may have a silent White Screen of Death test pattern.
  • Post-1988 tapes have a shuffling rainbow transition pattern at the beginning, middle and/or end.
    • Some post-1988 tapes have a hi-fi track, in addition to a linear one.
  • 1988-1990 tapes with an ink-label use gray-white texture, while post-1990 tapes with an ink-label use normal white texture.
  • Most 1987-1990 tapes have a dark ink print date in an unusual format.
    • Print date example -- if the print date reads "AUG 25 89", that means the tape was printed on August 25, 1989.
  • Tapes printed after 1990 do not use a print date at all. Technicolor Videocassette continued the "no print date" method during the next three months following its acquisition of this arm from Handleman Corporation.

Fun Facts

  • Around early May 1992, Handleman Corporation, which controlled ownership of Video Treasures since early 1989 and has always controlled ownership of Video Cassette Sales, had sold off its duplication arm, Video Cassette Duplicating Corp. to Technicolor Videocassette.


  • Hauppauge, New York (1985-1990)
  • Batavia, Ohio (1990-1992)
  • Troy, Michigan (1985-1992)