WRS Motion Picture & Video Laboratory: Difference between revisions

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== List of Customers ==
* ADV Films
* Cabin Fever Entertainment (1990)
* Cartoon Network (some copies of the promotional "Rainy Day Survival Kit" tape)
* Cycle Vision Tours
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* First Look Pictures (2000-2001)
* Full Moon Entertainment
* Glenbower Productions, Inc. (1992)
* General Motors
* Jesus Video Project
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'''K15472/112010 JIG DON'T JOG 84168LR T55'''
* Early tapes, such as Teacher TV: Technology in the Classroom or Mike Warnke: Do You Hear Me?!, had sticker with information and a print date on it, with only the tape length printed in blue on the right or, in the case of the latter, nothing at all. The information and print date on the sticker were arranged like the following examples:
Example 1:
'''026959 107929'''
''' 2 12/01/93'''
Example 2:
'''036043/001 135011'''
'''8015030692 DO YOU HEAR ME?/M'''
''' 6769 89/89'''