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King of Video

From Home Video


King of Video was formed in 1979 by Hank Cartwright in Las Vegas, who go on to found a superstore Major Video. Its first outlets were the Eros label, which was used for X-rated content. Soon it was expanded to form another label, Paragon Video Productions used for more adult and horror films. The company also acquired the rights to 50 RKO Pictures titles in 1980 and exclusive rights to Swank Telefilm LA titles in 1982.

The company later launched another label, the children's label Wonderland Video in 1984, and the exercise and T'ai chi label Touching the Clouds in 1986. The Paragon label became Questar Productions in the mid 1980s. Hank Cartwright would leave King of Video in 1983 and sold his stock to his investors. In 1986, it attempted to merge with SelecTV Entertainment Corporation, a owner of pay TV outlet.

The company stopped making videotapes in the late 1980s.





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