Fun Zone
This section covers the limits of your imagination. As long as you stay on topic and follow the rules, you can let your imagination run wild in these pages.
- What if Deluxe duplicated everything?
- What if different companies released different titles?
- What if every early company had a trailer reel?
- Imaginary cover gallery
- Imaginary video gallery
- Cover templates
- Label templates
- Fictional releases
- The Coen Brothers Collection
- The Cowboy Collection
- The Disney Animation Collection
- The John Carpenter Collection
- The Lucasfilm Collection
- The Mel Brooks Collection
- The PIXAR Collection
- The Quentin Tarantino Collection
- The Rugrats Collection
- The Simpsons Collection
- The Stanley Kubrick Collection
- The Complete Collector's Guide to Star Wars on VHS
- The Complete Collector's Guide to Terminator on VHS